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Boletim Financeiro Verde 10

Notícias sobre o Mundo Financeiro Verde: 14/11/2023 - 24/11/2023

Siblings Serafina and Keanan pose side by side on a bed underwater off the coast of Fiji in photographer Nick Brandt’s series “SINK / RISE.”

A ejeção de massa coronal (EMC) interfere no campo magnético do planeta

1) Visualizing All the World’s Carbon Emissions by Country

The greenhouse effect, essential for sustaining Earth’s life-friendly temperatures, has been intensified by burning fossil fuels. This amplification of the natural greenhouse effect has led to significant alterations to the planet’s climate system. The graphic above uses data from the Global Carbon Atlas to explore which countries contribute the most to CO₂ emissions.

Fonte: Visual Capitalist

Por: Marcus Lu

Data: 8 de Novembro, 2023

2) Cientistas acreditam que supertempestade solar pode gerar ‘apocalipse na internet’ na próxima década

Pesquisadores da Universidade George Manson e o Laboratório de Pesquisa Naval dos EUA querem criar sistema para alertar a população antes que as partículas solares alterem o campo magnético terrestre.

Fonte: O Globo

Por: Marcus Lu

Data: 10 de Novembro, 2023

3) Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential

Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system1. Remote-sensing estimates to quantify carbon losses from global forests2,3,4,5 are characterized by considerable uncertainty and we lack a comprehensive ground-sourced evaluation to benchmark these estimates. Here we combine several ground-sourced6 and satellite-derived approaches2,7,8 to evaluate the scale of the global forest carbon potential outside agricultural and urban lands. Despite regional variation, the predictions demonstrated remarkable consistency at a global scale, with only a 12% difference between the ground-sourced and satellite-derived estimates. At present, global forest carbon storage is markedly under the natural potential, with a total deficit of 226 Gt (model range = 151–363 Gt) in areas with low human footprint. Most (61%, 139 Gt C) of this potential is in areas with existing forests, in which ecosystem protection can allow forests to recover to maturity. The remaining 39% (87 Gt C) of potential lies in regions in which forests have been removed or fragmented. Although forests cannot be a substitute for emissions reductions, our results support the idea2,3,9 that the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of diverse forests offer valuable contributions to meeting global climate and biodiversity targets.


Data: 13 de Novembro, 2023

4) Seres da Floresta: Significativas Insignificâncias

Quando humanos permitem, gero alimentos saudáveis, águas e ar puros; propicio estações equilibradas, relações equitativas entre todos os seres e condições necessárias para uma saúde global solidária. Em conflito com tantos agravos, concluo que a espécie humana mais atrapalha que contribui solidariamente. Se vocês alcançarem a essência de minha mensagem, entender-me-ão. Meus elementos básicos – o ar, o solo, a água e o céu, vivem muito bem sem vocês. Lembrem: vocês são meus hóspedes, não meus donos.

Fonte: Amazônia Real

Por: Fárima Guedes

Data: 13 de Novembro, 2023

5) Let forests grow old to store huge volume of carbon – study

Report says cutting emissions should still be key priority as it cautions against mass monoculture tree-planting

Fonte: The Guardian

Por: Patrick Greenfield

Data: 13 de Novembro, 2023

6) Space-based carbon dioxide monitoring reaches milestone

This weekend saw the launch of a new, high-resolution satellite that can track global carbon dioxide emissions down to the power plant level.

Fonte: Axios

Data: 13 de Novembro, 2023

7) To Save The Rainforest, Help Its People

Poverty is killing the Amazon. Treating the soil and farmers better could help save what's left.

Fonte: AP News

8) Cachoeira do Mutum e os intrigantes buracos da Amazônia

Nem só com árvores gigantes e igarapés se faz turismo por ali [...]


Por: Viagem Em Pauta

Data: 15 de Novembro, 2023

9) 2 degrees, 40 feet: Scientists who study Earth’s ice say we could be committed to disastrous sea level rise

A new report details that ice sheets are melting quicker than expected and that the world will need to ramp up its climate efforts to avert disastrous sea level rise.

Fonte: NBC News

Data: 16 de Novembro, 2023

10) Above- and belowground fungal biodiversity of Populus trees on a continental scale

Understanding drivers of terrestrial fungal communities over large scales is an important challenge for predicting the fate of ecosystems under climate change and providing critical ecological context for bioengineering plant–microbe interactions in model systems. We conducted an extensive molecular and microscopy field study across the contiguous United States measuring natural variation in the Populus fungal microbiome among tree species, plant niche compartments and key symbionts. Our results show clear biodiversity hotspots and regional endemism of Populus-associated fungal communities explained by a combination of climate, soil and geographic factors. Modelling climate change impacts showed a deterioration of Populus mycorrhizal associations and an increase in potentially pathogenic foliar endophyte diversity and prevalence. Geographic differences among these symbiont groups in their sensitivity to environmental change are likely to influence broader forest health and ecosystem function. This dataset provides an above- and belowground atlas of Populus fungal biodiversity at a continental scale.

Fonte: Nature.cpm

Data: 16 de Novembro, 2023

11) Emissões de gases de efeito estufa da China podem entrar em “declínio estrutural” em 2024, indica análise do CREA

Isso se devera à queda na geração de energia a partir de combustíveis fósseis

Fonte: Um Só Planeta

Data: 15 de Novembro, 2023

12) Um chamado para ação na Amazônia

O que as juventudes vem fazendo para construir possibilidades de futuro até a Conferência do Clima (COP 30) de 2025, que ocorrerá no Brasil

Fonte: O Eco

Por: Mikaelle Farias

Data: 14 de Novembro, 2023

13) Entenda o que tem feito o desmatamento explodir no Cerrado enquanto registra queda na Amazônia

Enquanto o governo federal celebra a redução das taxas de desmatamento na Amazônia, a devastação no bioma central segue alta; outubro foi o quarto mês do ano com recorde mensal na série histórica de desmatamento

Fonte: O Globo

Data: 19 de Novembro, 2023

14) Plano de recuperação de pastagens terá dinheiro do BB e do BNDES

Programa de restauro mira recuperação de até 40 milhões de hectares de áreas degradadas; governo quer fazer anúncio antes da COP28

Fonte: Capital ReSet

Data: 21 de Novembro, 2023

15) Ian Parry: Carbon Pricing and the Power of a Good Idea

Carbon pricing is steadily emerging as one of the most viable solutions to reducing global emissions, but shedding its contentious past to build a global consensus is still a work in progress. Economist Ian Parry has championed the idea of carbon pricing long before it was fashionable- or even considered feasible by more than a handful of countries. Parry is the principal environmental fiscal policy expert in the IMF Fiscal Affairs Department and has made it his mission to present- on behalf of the institution, the benefits of incorporating climate risks into the cost of doing business through a carbon

Fonte: IMF

Por: Ian Parry

Data: 21 de Novembro, 2023

16) Climate Action Game Changers: Adaptation to Climate ShockS

Climate change is changing our lives, affecting how much water we have to drink and grow crops, and pushing millions of people into poverty as storms, droughts, heat waves and floods grow more dangerous and more intense.

Fonte: World Bank

17) Statement on Verra’s Application for ICVCM Assessment

Today, Verra is proud to announce that we submitted our application to have Verra’s flagship carbon crediting program—the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program—assessed against the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) developed by the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (ICVCM). This submission is an expression of confidence in the future of the transparent, science-backed and consensus-driven VCS Program, and our belief in the critical role of this market-wide effort spearheaded by the ICVCM.

Fonte: VERRA

Data: 21 de Novembro, 2023

18) Amazon region hit by trio of droughts in grim snapshot of the century to come

The Amazon is facing an unprecedented drought that is projected to continue affecting the region at least until mid-2024. The lowest water levels in 121 years of river-level records have been recorded in the city of Manaus. Vast areas of the Amazon River’s bed have been exposed, and more than 150 dolphins died in a lake where water temperatures reached 39°C (2°C above human body temperature). Human populations along Amazonian rivers have been isolated, stripped of their livelihoods and lack basic necessities.

Fonte: The Conversation

Por: Philip Fearnside e Rosimeire Araújo Silva

Data: 22 de Novembro, 2023

19) Emissões de carbono do Brasil caem 8% em 2022

Redução no desmatamento e menor necessidade de termelétricas explicam o resultado; país pode dobrar ambição climática se mantiver proteção de biomas

Fonte: Capital ReSet

Data: 13 de Novembro, 2023

20) Brazil approves $65 million from Amazon Fund to police the rainforest

Brazil's National Development Bank (BNDES) has approved 318 million reais ($65 million) from the $1.3 billion Amazon Fund to set up a security project fighting deforestation and other environmental crimes in the rainforest, a senior official

Fonte: Reuters

Data: 22 de Novembro, 2023

Boletim Financeiro Verde


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